Sunday, November 04, 2007

Some Veggie Cartoons

With thanks to Walt Handelsman, Dan Piraro and Mike Peters.


Amy said...

I love these! We're reduced ourselves to meat 2x a week. I'm proud!

chattypatra said...

See what I mean? Those are funny as heck, and they totally prove my point! ;)

I'm so glad I found your blog. You are a good writer, Mary!

Mary said...

To chattypatra, I love your blognym. And for the record, I don't think Mr Piraro/Bizzaro's point is that overweight people are bad in any way but that problems can be avoided by eating a plant-based diet. He is a committed vegan. I am a not-as-committed vegan which is probably why I am 20 or 30 pounds above my ideal weight. You can still eat too much sugar and fat and claim to be a vegan. Hence my problem.