Friday, September 04, 2009

Julie & Julia / Mary & Mary

I just finished reading Julie & Julia - you know, the book about the woman who cooked all 524 of Julia Child's recipes in a year. I am not much of a cook, but I need to expand my repetoire. The problem with Julia Child, aside from the fact that I do not own any of her cookbooks, is that I do not eat meat and try to stay away from dairy. After reading that book, I would guess that the vast majority of her recipes are either for meat or contain large quantities of butter. So I thought about cooking my way through some vegan cookbook, but I really don't think I have the motivation. What I might do is set a goal to try 30 new vegan recipes in 30 days... how about that? And since the vegan cookbooks I do own are by Mary McDougall, I can call it the Mary & Mary Project. Catchy, huh? I'll let you know if I decide to do it!