Monday, September 03, 2007

Weeks Two and Three

Just for the record, a brief account of my second and third weeks on the job:

Week two was spent following my schedule and meeting the nurses I'll be working with. The teachers were all at school, but no kids. On Monday I was at the high school and we went to teacher meetings all day with the teachers. I began to realize that I need to learn school-speak. Every profession has its own jargon. In spite of putting 4 kids through the Dallas ISD over 21 years, I have never really experienced the "other side". It has been interesting. The high school has a third nurse who runs the TPPP - Teen Pregnancy and Parenting Program. I was amazed to learn that last year there were 140 students in her program and that she expects to add about 40 new pregnancies this year. Wow!! This is in a school with a population of about 1650. So I spend Monday and Tuesday at the HS, Tuesday and Wednesday at Elementary #1 and Friday at Elementary #2. All of my nurses are great and I am running out of steam so I may edit this later.

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