On Friday, Bill and I were looking forward to a nice empty nest come September. That afternoon I remembered how quiet and sometimes boring an empty nest is. I have been resisting the impulse all summer, but on Friday afternoon I picked up the phone and called YFU. Ummm.., I said, school starts on Monday and I know it is short notice, but if you guys still have kids that need a home, we MIGHT be interested. Well, they were definitely interested in us! As a returning host family we already have a lot of the paperwork on file and they still had 20 unplaced students, some of whom were scheduled to arrive in 4 or 5 days. They told us about 2 of the boys - we wanted a boy - and gave us an access code to their website where we could look at all 20 profiles. By Saturday afternoon we had discussed it, chosen a student and faxed the forms to the YFU office. Sunday we had our home visit (think mad cleaning spree to make the house half-way presentable) and Monday the YFU rep got the school's OK. So he arrives at 430PM on Wednesday!! His name is Se-Won Ha from Korea. Isn't he cute!
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